The PC Tech Guy's Blog

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Windows 8 Start Tile + New Editor

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Take a look at this new tile:
Screenshot (97) - Copy
Ok, so it isn’t all that new. Just a font change. I’ll work on a redesign, most likely a Metro-like one.
If you want to redesign them as well, you can do that as well – just contact me on my website, specifically stating this blog post. From there, I’ll reply and you can send me the images.
Anyhow, while the logos await some work, here’s how it looks on the Windows 8.1 Start Screen:
Screenshot (98)
It also properly changes its layout for different sizes, and is a live tile, containing my blog posts. Go to my website and pin it yourself to check out the new tile!
In other news, I am now experimenting with the Windows Live Writer, from Windows Essentials, to now create my blog posts. So you can expect some better-looking posts too.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back in a bit!