The PC Tech Guy's Blog

Friday, December 30, 2011

Support [good] developers!

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[alternative title: Support your fellow dev! They're humans just like you and me!]

Nothing much, I know, I haven't posted in eons - I haven't been reviewing much software from GOTD lately. But, I did get a new computer, and naturally I wanted to transfer some of the GOTD software I had on my old computer. Now, the thing about GOTD software is that it can only be activated on the day it is given away. However, some software will work past their GOTD period. Obviously, I am not going to demand the developers to help me activate their software on my new computer.

There is one particular software that I have in my "essential toolkit of must-have programs" (which I may someday develop fully), which is Process Lasso. (I do have a post about it here.) However, I noted that I was using the PRO features much more on my new machine than I did on my old one, including some of the "tweaking" options, which is for people who know what they are doing. ;) I didn't expect too much of the developer of Process Lasso, but instead, he was very happy to help.

I'm simply saying, please DO support developers of great software -- especially those who take the time to provide free software! I also highly consider that you take a peek at Process Lasso -- it is a free program, with the "PRO" features being extra enhancements and control over processes. For everyone else, the free part of Process Lasso is sufficient, which helps prevent system lockups.

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